Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy Caturday!

This picture will never fail to make me chortle. Never. I'll probably have a more fleshy post for y'all later tonight.

Friday, November 14, 2008


I am happy to present:


"It look slike they kiss at the end...
What do you meen he came out of the closet...Is Elton John Gay?"

It's okay, brondesasky, I never would have guessed it either. I mean, just look at him!

...oh wait...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Oh hai!

Well hello there, boys and girls! My name is Spiffy and thiiiis is mah new blog. I already have a livejournal that I've been using for years confide (re: whine) in, but I figure I need something different. My LJ is for my close friends, because they have earned the right to be nosy about my boring life. You children, however, should not be subjected to that.

So this here is gonna be my blog of happy stuff! Anything I find amusing, and I guess random stupid thoughts that pop into my head. Or something. Anything goes, really.

Soooo...if you're easily offended and/or don't like rainbows and kittens, I suggest you gtfo. :D

Also so this first post isn't a complete snorefest, when I went to type in a title for this entry, this is what came up: